Shambhala School of Buddhist Studies (SSBS)
About SSBS
This is a series of 10 courses, 6 weeks per course, introducing the major elements of the Buddhist path as presented to us by the holders of our Shambhala and Buddhist lineages.
Courses cover topics drawn from the hinayana path of individual liberation; the mahayana path of working with others; and the vajrayana path of awakening on the spot. Courses will be taught by senior teachers from the New York Shambhala community.
The ten courses are:
1. Taming the Mind
2. Walking the Bodhisattva Path
3. The Three Jewels
4. The Six Paramitas
5. Lineage and Devotion
6. Karma and the Twelve Nidanas
7. Lojong
8. History of Buddhism and the Life of the Buddha
9. Emptiness
10. Journey Without Goal
It is recommended, but not required, that students take the courses in the order offered. In addition, students should have taken at least some of the first five courses before taking the last five. Exceptions will be at the teachers’ discretion.