Live Life Extraordinary

What Does It Mean to Be Extraordinary?

The Shambhala Teachings suggest that while there is sadness in accepting the realities of our world, there is also peace and beauty.

Real Fearlessness is the Product of Tenderness

What Does It Mean To Be Fearless?

Chögyam Trungpa presents an alternative version to our culture’s definition of “fearless.”

The Real Fruits of Spring Cleaning

This inspiring story on garden maintenance illustrates how the beauty of our efforts can transcend our “results.”

Waking Up

Waking Up Mindfully

The morning can be a very disorienting time. We asked mindful teachers and friends how they wake up to their world. Here are our favorite responses.

Seasonal Depression in Spring

When Seasonal Depression Disorder Reaches Into Spring

How to find the strength to bloom in a post-winter hangover.

Greeting Fatigue with Mindful Motion

When working with fatigue, the simple movements of Qi Gong can do more to stimulate energy than intense exercise regimes that can further exhaust the body.

Meditation: Finding Contentment in Everyday Life

While discernment and gentleness are important, the heart of meditation practice is learning to be content with what is going on right now.

How Stress Changes Your Brain

Our hard-wired stress response is designed to gives us the quick burst of heightened alertness and energy needed to perform our best. But as we have each experienced for ourselves, stress isn’t all good. When activated too long or too often, stress can damage virtually every part of our body. In fact, continuous stress actually begins to change the physical make up of the brain.

Pema Chodrom Shambhala NYC

Is Contentment the Secret to Happiness?

In a recent interview, Pema Chödrön was asked, “What is happiness?” Her response is the inspiration we need to return to the moment.

With Mindfulness Awareness Practice, It’s All in the Moment

Mindfulness-Awareness Practice provides us with the tools to reframe our world, no matter where we find ourselves.