Dan Cayer: Pain in Practice: What to Do? – Podcast 282


In both small and large ways, pain becomes a feature of everyone’s meditation practice. So what do we do about this? Should we move, stay still, take time off, or practice more? In this episode, we will explore different ways of relating with pain and discomfort, and what the path to healing may look like.

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Dan Cayer is a Westchester-based teacher and writer who is committed to helping others change habitual patterns, find freedom from pain, and create a sane relationship with their body. He is a longtime meditator and trained instructor. After a serious injury left Dan unable to work or take care of himself, he began training in the Alexander Technique. His return to health, as well as his deep experience with the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of pain and illness, inspired him to help others. Dan now teaches an integration of mindfulness and the Alexander Technique as a method of recovering balance and well-being.