Rachel Faro: Discovering Elegance: Art in Everyday Life – Podcast 265


Through the practice of meditation, we develop a sense of space within which grace and natural elegance emerge in all aspects of our daily lives, from cooking a meal to paying our bills to how we relate to our friends, family and work environment.

Meditation In The City is the Shambhala Meditation Center of New York’s very own podcast!

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Rachel Faro is a senior meditation teacher and practitioner within the Shambhala and Tibetan Buddhist traditions who has taught and led meditation retreats, classes and workshops in Europe, Latin America, South Africa and throughout the United States.  

A personal student of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, she has been training, practicing and teaching since the early 1970’s.  She is also an accomplished and well-known singer/songwriter, Grammy-nominated record producer, and president of a world music record label.