Joseph Mauricio: Learning to Be Here Now – Podcast 198


Joe Mauricio explores how we can use mindfulness and awareness to bring our full being into the present. If the world is a crazy place, we can become an element of sanity simply by coming into our posture and remembering to be here now.

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Joseph Mauricio is a senior teacher in the Shambhala Buddhist tradition and has studied meditation with scores of teachers, including Pema Chodron at Gampo Abbey in Nova Scotia. He has been a close student of his primary teacher, Sakyong Mipham, lineage holder of the Shambhala Tradition, for 25 years. Joseph has completed many intensive retreats, programs and advanced teacher trainings in meditation and Buddhist studies. Aside from his work throughout Shambhala’s International community, Joe has presented meditation practice, motivational lectures and creativity workshops in schools, businesses, jails, hospitals, nightclubs and lounges. As founder of  LI F E W O R K Meditation Based Coaching Services, Joseph works with to help clients find their authentic orientation in life and develop their private voice in a public arena. He has begun dharmajunkies, a conscious community discussion on compassion based activism.


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Podcast production by and by David Sadzin