Racial Justice & Dharma: One Big Sit: We, the Mahasangha, as the Next Buddha (In Person)

September 15th

Date details +
    Room: In Person

    Inviting all siblings in the Dharma, Buddhists of all traditions, Engaged Dharma activists of all affinities...

    One Big Sit for justice, liberation, peace, and love is a multi-sangha event to gather in community for meditation, earth practice, and dialogue in Washington Square Park in NYC.

    One Big Sit is organized by practitioners from various sanghas in NYC. Co-sponsors (list in-formation) include Black Breath SitsBrooklyn Zen CenterBuddhist Action CoalitionBuddhist Council of New York, Extinction Rebellion Mindful Rebels NYCFire Lotus Temple-Zen Center of NYC, Racial Justice & Dharma, Thich Nhat Hanh Program for Engaged Buddhism at Union Theological Seminary, Village Zendo.

    Info, RSVP, volunteer here: https://actionnetwork.org/events/one-big-sit-mahasangha-nyc/.

    Feel free to contact us directly at [email protected]