MBSR Shambhala NYC

The Fullness of Full-Catastrophe Living

Our resident MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) instructor Paulette Graf, discusses what her friend and mentor Jon Kabat-Zinn meant by the title of his book, “The Full Catastrophe of Living.”

Live Life Extraordinary

What Does It Mean to Be Extraordinary?

The Shambhala Teachings suggest that while there is sadness in accepting the realities of our world, there is also peace and beauty.

Meditation In the City Podcast

Joseph Mauricio: Living a Brave Existence – Podcast 97


Joseph Mauricio discusses the challenges of living a compassionate life, having the bravery to be friendly to ourselves and extend that friendliness to others. What are the implications of living a brave existence for the world?

Real Fearlessness is the Product of Tenderness

What Does It Mean To Be Fearless?

Chögyam Trungpa presents an alternative version to our culture’s definition of “fearless.”

The Real Fruits of Spring Cleaning

This inspiring story on garden maintenance illustrates how the beauty of our efforts can transcend our “results.”

Waking Up

Waking Up Mindfully

The morning can be a very disorienting time. We asked mindful teachers and friends how they wake up to their world. Here are our favorite responses.

Meditation In the City

David Perrin: Tender City Meditator – Podcast 96


David Perrin discusses the qualities of compassion and tenderness that arise for the meditator. How do these qualities work for us in our lives?

Seasonal Depression in Spring

When Seasonal Depression Disorder Reaches Into Spring

How to find the strength to bloom in a post-winter hangover.

Meditation In the City

Natalie Baker: The Practice of Kindness – Podcast 95


Natalie Baker discusses the view and practice of lovingkindness. Meditation gives us more confidence in our compassionate and kind nature. Is this a practical way to live in the modern world? Meditation In The City is the Shambhala Meditation Center of New York’s very own podcast! Subscribe to us on iTunes here. Or listen to us on Stitcher.  Email … Continue 

Meditation In the City

Ethan Nichtern: True Love and Romcoms – Podcast 94


Shastri Ethan Nichtern talks about the riddle of desire. How does meditation help us dance with the intensity of love and relationships? Meditation In The City is the Shambhala Meditation Center of New York’s very own podcast! Subscribe to us on iTunes here. Or listen to us on Stitcher. Spread the love by telling all your friends about the podcast! Ethan Nichtern is a Shastri, a … Continue