Shastri Elizabeth Reid: Gathering Strength from the Richness of the Phenomenal World – Podcast 258


What does it mean to engage fully with our world? In this episode, we discuss the power of meditation to open us up to our senses, and to engage with the richness of the phenomenal world. If you enjoy this episode, we invite you to join us for our upcoming Meditation in Everyday Life course … Continue 

Laura Simms: Listening is Medicine – Podcast 257


“Have we become unaccustomed to listening? How do we listen to our world with unbiased ears?” In this episode, we reflect upon these questions and discover that the answer can be found by starting with ourselves. Meditation In The City is the Shambhala Meditation Center of New York’s very own podcast! Email us at [email protected]. If … Continue 

Joseph Mauricio: Melting the Ice of Anger – Podcast 256


In this episode, we discuss what it means to melt through the isolation, insecurity, and rigid thinking that leads to anger and resentment. What would it mean to open up and be fluid with our ideas and expectations? Meditation In The City is the Shambhala Meditation Center of New York’s very own podcast! Email us … Continue 

John Rockwell: Taking Our Posture and Tasting Our Heart – Podcast 255


A simple approach to confusion and challenge is to take a good posture and feel our soft spot. This talk, practice, and discussion will explore the power of synchronizing body and heart. If you enjoy this episode, we invite you to join us for our upcoming Shambhala Training Level I: The Art of Being Human … Continue 

Bryan Wade: Being Parents for Our Children and Ourselves – Podcast 254


The winter solstice is the time of year for the Shambhala Children’s Day celebration, which is about much more than children. Using gentleness and bravery as tools, the Shambhala Teachings train us to work with our everyday world through meditation. This training can help us become better parents for our children. We can even learn … Continue 

Susan Piver: Communication – Podcast 253


In this episode, we discuss communication, and how meditation helps us better tune into not just what we say, but how we say it. Meditation In The City is the Shambhala Meditation Center of New York’s very own podcast! Email us at [email protected]. Remember to tell all your friends about the podcast and follow/subscribe to us on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, … Continue 

John Ankele: The Fragrance of Discipline – Podcast 252


How sweet is the fragrance of discipline? In this episode, we discuss the benefits of discipline, both in meditation and in daily life. Meditation In The City is the Shambhala Meditation Center of New York’s very own podcast! Email us at [email protected]. Remember to tell all your friends about the podcast and follow/subscribe to us on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and SoundCloud! … Continue 

Laura Simms: Being Peace – Podcast 251


In this episode, we discuss the peace that arises from meditation. What does it mean to change our relationship to painful situations in this age of increasing fear and aggression? This talk was recorded in 2015. Meditation In The City is the Shambhala Meditation Center of New York’s very own podcast! Email us at [email protected]. Remember … Continue 

Eric Spiegel: Becoming A Buddhist – Podcast 250


In this episode, we discuss the process of becoming a Buddhist and the Refuge Vow, the formal commitment to following the Buddhist path. Meditation In The City is the Shambhala Meditation Center of New York’s very own podcast! Email us at [email protected]. Remember to tell all your friends about the podcast and follow/subscribe to us on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and SoundCloud! … Continue 

John Ankele: What Am I Doing Wrong? – Podcast 249


In this episode, we discuss how we often approach meditation motivated by this question. Seduced by the promise of bliss, we can miss the point. This talk was recorded in 2015. Meditation In The City is the Shambhala Meditation Center of New York’s very own podcast! Email us at [email protected]. Remember to tell all your friends about … Continue