The 2017 Sacred Path Program Schedule

The Shambhala Meditation Center of New York is pleased to present the 2017 calendar for the Sacred Path programs! The Sacred Path is open to those students who have completed the Heart of Warriorship (meaning the 5 Shambhala Training Weekends.)

The Sacred Path is a series of weekend retreats that extend our basic meditation training and deepen the practice of warriorship. The series is based on a societal vision and aspiration to help the world. This level of training cultivates dignity to widen our sphere of compassionate and helpful influence.

Early bird discount: Save 15% on program costs when you register for two of your upcoming Sacred Path programs before January 1st.

If you plan to complete Sacred Path within the year but there is a course date here that does not work for you,  the Sacred Path Mentorship Program can keep you on track! Students who are unable to attend a weekend in-person can join this virtual program. Students are paired with a senior Shambhala teacher to guide them through the curriculum. For more information, contact David Fraioli.


Sacred Path: Great Eastern Sun & Windhorse
with Shastri Ethan Nichtern
January 6th—January 8th (2017)
Great Eastern Sun & Windhorse mark the beginning of the Sacred Path, introducing advanced warriorship practices that extend the meditation training of Levels I-V.


Sacred Path: Drala
with Timothy Quigley
March 10th—March 12th (2017)
The principle of drala refers to the sacred energy and power that exists when we step beyond aggression.


Sacred Path: Meek & Perky
with Richard Bascetta
May 12th—May 14th (2017)
The four dignities are further explored as a path and a process, which describe a warrior’s maturing and widening sphere of benevolent engagement in the world.


Sacred Path: Outrageous & Inscrutable
June 23rd—June 25th (2017)
These fruitional dignities refer to the extraordinary skill of a practiced warrior. The unconventional and visionary perspective of outrageous combines with the skill of spontaneous inscrutability to create benefit for others.


Sacred Path: Golden Key
Save the Date: November 10th – 11th 2017
This program is based on a Shambhala text that works with our relationship to the “material world” and our sense perceptions. It teaches the practice of enriching presence—the ability to instantly sense the inner wealth within oneself, phenomena, and the natural world.


Golden Key is the last program in the Shambhala Sacred Path series. After completing the Sacred Path programs, you will be eligible to attend Warrior Assembly (if you have attended Enlightened Society Assembly and one Weekthün.)

Shambhala Mountain Center is offering Warrior Assembly on August 11th – 22nd and at a TBD date in Chile. (Golden Key will be offered prior to Golden Key to Warrior Assembly and potentially at Sky Lake the summer of 2017.)