Ethan Nichtern: Why Not Create? – Podcast 101

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Shastri Ethan Nichtern discusses mindfulness and creativity, the challenge of making a living as an artist, and art as a key cultural contribution to the creation of an enlightened society.

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Ethan Nichtern is a Shastri, a senior teacher, in the Shambhala tradition. He is the senior teacher in residence for the NY Shambhala community. He is the author of The Road Home: A Contemporary Exploration of the Buddhist Path, and One City: A Declaration of Interdependence. He is also the founder of The Interdependence Project, an organization dedicated to Buddhist-inspired meditation and psychology, transformational activism, mindful arts, and meaningful media. He teaches and lectures around the world and is based in New York City. More info:

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Podcast production by and by David McKeel