Lodro Rinzler: Be Grateful to Everyone – Podcast 99

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Lodro Rinzler discusses the power of gratitude. Instead of dividing up our world between people we like and people we hate, what would it mean to be grateful to everyone?

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Lodro Rinzler  has taught meditation at locations as diverse as Google, Harvard, and the White House. He founded a leadership training program called the Institute for Compassionate Leadership, before co-founding and serving as the Chief Spiritual Officer of NYC’s premier drop-in meditation studio, MNDFLLodro’s work has been featured in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Atlantic, and on CBS, FOX, and NBC NewsHe is the author of five books including the best-selling The Buddha Walks into a Bar…, the award-winning Walk Like a BuddhaThe Buddha Walks into the Office…, Sit Like a Buddha and How to Love Yourself (And Sometimes Other People). Lodro writes from his apartment in New York City.

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Podcast production by sonamgray.com and by David McKeel