Why I Meditate: To Be Kinder To Myself

Photo of Sabina holding a sign that says "To Be Kinder To Myself"Photo by Amelia H. Krales

My name is Sabina Ksiezopolska and I am a member of the Shambhala Meditation Center of New York. I would like to share with you how the center has become a second home to me.

I had only been living in Brooklyn for less than a year when I was hit by a tsunami of suffering. I had received shocking and disturbing news from my family which resulted in an overwhelming amount of pain, anger, and sadness. This also contributed to a relationship that was already in the process of deteriorating, finally coming to an end. With my mother abroad, and while still adjusting to the new environment of the city, I reached an unsurpassed level of depression. I reached a point where it was simply impossible to ignore or distract myself from my suffering. Out of sheer desperation I began therapy, but I still yearned for tools that would aid me on a deeper level.

A friend had mentioned that she went to a Shambhala center in her city, which inspired me to research the New York center. Since my first visit to the center I have continued to go on a weekly basis for over a year. Shambhala has opened a door of discovering the incredible strength of meditation and the life transformations that can come with it. After I began a daily practice I began to notice a gradual mending within my family that at one point I thought was impossible. I have met truly influential, wise and humble teachers, and a supportive community, many of whom I know will be lifelong friends.

By practicing kindness and gentleness toward myself, I have been able to become a kinder and gentler person in the world.

Please join me in making a year-end contribution to the Shambhala Meditation Center of New York to support its vision to help New Yorkers like you and me find our inner peace, clarity and kindness. As you know, the center is relocating to a new home in 2015, and your donation will provide much-needed support during this crucial time of transition and growth.

Sabina Ksiezopolska