Elizabeth Reid: Turning Toward What’s Close At Hand – Podcast 116

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Mindfulness meditation helps us see and accept ourselves as we are. Through synchronicity of body and mind, we can experience total ease with ourselves, and a mind that is stable, strong and clear.

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Elizabeth Reid is a Shastri, a senior teacher, in the Shambhala tradition. She has been a member of the Shambhala Community in NYC since 1983. She previously studied with Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche and became a student of the current Sakyong, Mipham Rinpoche. She has taught Way of Shambhala and Shambhala Training weekends, and has co-directed Assistant Director Training. In addition, she has led Contemplative Photography workshops, and has a private practice as an Alexander Technique Teacher. She lives in Manhattan with her fiancé.

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Podcast production by sonamgray.com and by David McKeel